Hacker News with Generative AI: Decentralized Systems

Upspin: A framework for naming everyone's everything (upspin.io)
Upspin is an attempt to address problems like these, and many more.
Pkdns: DNS server resolving via mainline DHT (github.com/pubky)
A DNS server providing self-sovereign and censorship-resistant domain names. It resolves records hosted on the Mainline DHT, the biggest DHT on the planet with ~15M nodes that services torrents since 15 years.
Beehive lab notebook: Local-first access control (inkandswitch.com)
For local-first software to be successful in many production contexts, it needs to provide similar features without relying on a central authorization server.
Anonymous Webs of Trust [pdf] (cispa.saarland)
Willow Sideloading Protocol (willowprotocol.org)
I Don't Trust Matrix Developers to Produce a Secure Protocol (github.com)
Researchers Showcase Decentralized AI-Powered Torrent Search Engine (torrentfreak.com)
Dangers of “decentralized” ID systems (paper.wf)
BTFS: BitTorrent Filesystem (github.com/johang)