Reinventing Core Data Development with SwiftData Principles – Fatbobman's Blog( In modern application development, an efficient persistence framework is crucial. The emergence of SwiftData once caught the eyes of many Core Data developers, who anticipated the advent of a new era integrating modern programming concepts. This article will explore how to apply SwiftData’s way of thinking within Core Data, focusing on data modeling and concurrent programming.
3 points by tambourine_man 127 days ago | 0 comments
Google Zanzibar: Implementing the Check API and Expand API Using .NET (2023)( In the previous articles we have seen how to implement a very simplified Relationship-based Access Control using a Google Zanzibar-like data model and some SQL queries. It worked good, and I quite like what we ended up with. But it doesn't let us define an effictive ACL, because at the moment we need to materialize all relations in the database.
ClickHouse Data Modeling for Postgres Users( Last month, we acquired PeerDB, a company that specializes in Postgres CDC. PeerDB makes it fast and simple to replicate data from Postgres to ClickHouse. A common question from PeerDB users is how to model their data in ClickHouse after the replication process to maximize the benefits of ClickHouse.