Hacker News with Generative AI: Data Collection

Ask HN: Why does my iPhone show me ads relevant to a dinner conversation? (ycombinator.com)
Last night — for the second day in a row — I had a dinner-table conversation with my iPhone 16 in my pocket AND with microphone access "off" for essentially all apps including various Google apps and Facebook. Later, Facebook showed me ads relating to dinner-conversation topics.
Google loses in court, faces trial for collecting data on users who opted out (arstechnica.com)
A federal judge this week rejected Google's motion to throw out a class-action lawsuit alleging that it invaded the privacy of users who opted out of functionality that records a users' web and app activities.
VW Group Collects Vehicle Movement Data (twitter.com)
Web Crawler and Scraper for AI (spider.cloud)
Spider offers the finest data collecting solution. Engineered for speed and scalability, it allows you to elevate your AI projects.
BeReal: The app that won't take no for an answer (noyb.eu)
Today, noyb has filed a complaint against the social media platform BeReal over the latest “dark pattern” to get consent. When people open the app, they are confronted with a pop-up asking them to say “yes” or “no” to the use of their personal data for advertising purposes. So far so good, but BeReal wants to force a specific choice: if users click “accept”, they will never see the consent banner again.
Why is my air fryer spying on me? We reveal the smart devices gathering data (which.co.uk)
Which? research has found evidence of excessive smart device surveillance - from air fryers demanding permission to listen in on conversations and sharing data with TikTok, to TVs wanting to know users’ exact locations at all times
Ask HN: I collect IP address of users, but do not store it. Am I GDPR compliant? (ycombinator.com)
For a side project of mine, I collect the IP address of users, log it to my server where the country of the user is identified(using ipinfo.io in the backend) and is saved in the database. Since I'm not storing the IP address as such, am I GDPR compliant? Do I need to add a consent banner?
License Plate Readers Are Creating a US-Wide Database of More Than Just Cars (wired.com)
From Trump campaign signs to Planned Parenthood bumper stickers, license plate readers around the US are creating searchable databases that reveal Americans’ political leanings and more.
Russia blocked OONI Explorer, a large open dataset on Internet censorship (ooni.org)
As of 11th September 2024, Russia has blocked one of our platforms: OONI Explorer.
Leaked pitch deck proves that your phone is listening to what you say (phonearena.com)
In Leak, Facebook Partner Brags About Listening to Your Phone's Microphone to S (futurism.com)
CMG pitch deck on listening to your conversations to target ads (gizmodo.com)
Launch HN: Sorcerer (YC S24) – Weather balloons that collect more data (ycombinator.com)
Texas Attorney General Sues GM for Unlawful Collection and Sale of Drivers' Data (texasattorneygeneral.gov)
Uncle Sam sues TikTok for 'extensive' data harvesting from kids (theregister.com)
Anthropic is scraping websites so fast it's causing problems (pivot-to-ai.com)
TikTok collected US user views on issues like abortion and gun control (apnews.com)
Show HN: OpenDataCapture an electronic data capture platform for data collection (github.com/DouglasNeuroInformatics)
Cars and Consumer Data: On Unlawful Collection and Use (ftc.gov)
We and our 838 partners use cookies (euronews.com)
So you want to scrape like the big boys (2021) (incolumitas.com)
Apple's collection of user data hard to stop says report (appleinsider.com)