Hacker News with Generative AI: Consistency

Design Token-Based UI Architecture (martinfowler.com)
Design tokens are design decisions as data and serve as a single source of truth for design and engineering. Utilizing deployment pipelines, they enable automated code generation across platforms, allowing for faster updates and improved consistency in design. Organizing tokens in layers—progressing from available options to tokens that capture how they are applied—ensures scalability and a better developer experience. Keeping option tokens (e.g. color palettes) private reduces file size and supports non-breaking changes.
Eventual Consistency Is Tricky (systemdesigncodex.com)
The concept of eventual consistency refers to a system condition where all parts of the system reach the same state, even though they may be temporarily inconsistent due to delays or failures.
Keeping CALM: When distributed consistency is easy (2019) (arxiv.org)
Mongo but on Postgres and with strong consistency benefits (github.com/event-driven-io)