Hacker News with Generative AI: eBooks

List of DRM-Free Bookshops (libreture.com)
A regularly updated list of online shops that sell DRM-free ebooks, digital comics, magazines, and RPGs.
A quickstart eBook about Helm's essentials (gumroad.com)
Struggling with time but eager to learn Helm? Do you want to learn Helm but feel overwhelmed by dense documentation? Are you short on time yet need to manage Kubernetes deployments effectively?
Pagination widows, or, why I'm embarrassed about my eBook (2023) (clagnut.com)
The physical copies of my book on Web Typography sold out quickly. I self-published, and print runs are expensive when you’re funding them yourself, so numbers were limited. However it was always my plan to publish an ebook at the same time, and that has out-sold the hard copy by an order of magnitude.
Show HN: A tool to easily convert any web page into an eBook (ebookany.com)
Turn Any Web Content Into Your Personal Ebook Library, Instantly.
Internet Archive Loses Landmark eBook Lending Copyright Appeal Against Publisher (torrentfreak.com)
The Second Circuit Court of Appeals has dealt a blow to the Internet Archive's digital book lending program.
Internet Archive loses appeal over eBook lending (theverge.com)
Ask HN: Best offline-only eBook reader? (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: Best way for a Markdown based blog and eBook? (ycombinator.com)