Hacker News with Generative AI: Website Issues

FYI: US Census.gov data is currently unavailable (403-ing) (census.gov)
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What's up with Lobste.rs blocking the Brave browser? (lobste.rs)
A couple of days ago, the Brave browser stopped loading lobste.rs, just showing an error page. Now, I get a bare block of text:
Ask HN: What's up with the spam waves lately? (ycombinator.com)
I just had a look through the "new" queue with showdead on, and out of the most recent 200 submissions, I counted 22 that were not dead. I wasn't seeing false positives, either.
Tell HN: Reddit is down – no healthy upstream (ycombinator.com)
Reddit is down – no healthy upstream
Ask HN: Is Reddit website having trouble? (ycombinator.com)
I randomly get this on an empty page, but not on the homepage it seems:<p>upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure
HuggingFace Is Down (huggingface.co)
<h1>All services are online</h1>
Lichess: Post-Mortem of Our Longest Downtime (lichess.org)
From 14:54 UTC on the 12th September until 01:33 UTC on the 13th September, Lichess experienced the longest downtime in its history.
X.com refuses to open with Firefox strict tracking protection enabled (x.com)
Ask HN: Why are 404 Media posts auto-killed? (ycombinator.com)
Reddit down 502 Bad Gateway (reddit.com)