Hacker News with Generative AI: Threading

0+0 > 0: C++ thread-local storage performance (yosefk.com)
We'll discuss how to make sure that your access to TLS (thread-local storage) is fast. If you’re interested strictly in TLS performance guidelines and don't care about the details, skip right to the end — but be aware that you’ll be missing out on assembly listings of profound emotional depth, which can shake even a cynical, battle-hardened programmer. If you don’t want to miss out on that — and who would?!
Ruby “Thread Contention” Is Simply GVL Queuing (island94.org)
For the longest time, I’ve misunderstood the phrase “thread contention”. It’s a little embarrassing that given I’m the author of GoodJob (👍) and a maintainer of Concurrent Ruby and have been doing Ruby and Rails stuff for more than a decade. But true.
macOS Tips for Programmers: Threading (xoria.org)
Most people writing code that ends up running on macOS machines aren’t super familiar with the operating system, its unique features or its rough edges.