Hacker News with Generative AI: Telemetry

Arduino based OBD dongle for vehicle telemetry (freematics.com)
Freematics ONE+ is a powerful Arduino programmable vehicle telemetry prototyping platform in form of a OBD dongle that plugs into a vehicle’s OBD port and works as a standalone smart device which can communicate with vehicle’s ECU.
VSCode-go: Increase the Go telemetry prompt rate to 200% (github.com/golang)
Manjaro is experimenting with **opt-out telemetry (privacyguides.net)
Manjaro Linux prepares to enable telemetry by default (manjaro.org)
The Oximeter Query Language (Oxide RFD 463) (oxide.computer)
Telemetry and metric data forms an essential feature of the Oxide rack. Software and hardware components throughout the rack produce data, which is collected by a program called oximeter and stored in a ClickHouse database. This RFD describes the Oximeter Query Language (OxQL), a domain-specific language (DSL) for querying and processing the stored data. It is intended to be used as a building block for both Oxide-internal and customer-facing software.
Telemetry in Go 1.23 and Beyond (go.dev)
Show HN: Telemetry.sh – Simplifying Telemetry Measurement (telemetry.sh)
Telemetry.sh (twitter.com)
1000x the Telemetry at 0.01x the Cost (mattklein123.dev)