Hacker News with Generative AI: TCP

Multi-Path TCP: revolutionizing connectivity, one path at a time (cloudflare.com)
The Internet is designed to provide multiple paths between two endpoints. Attempts to exploit multi-path opportunities are almost as old as the Internet, culminating in RFCs documenting some of the challenges. Still, today, virtually all end-to-end communication uses only one available path at a time.
Cloudflare Talks Up Multi-Path TCP but Dings Linux's Less Than Ideal Support (phoronix.com)
The folks at Cloudflare have published another great engineering blog post with this time covering Multi-Path TCP (MPTCP) as a very interesting addition to the TCP spec. But there they acknowledge the less than ideal Linux support especially on the client side.
Linux TCP So_reuseport: Usage and Implementation (rubdos.be)
HAProxy and NGINX are some of the few applications that use the TCP SO_REUSEPORT socket option of the Linux networking stack.
It's time to replace TCP in the datacenter (2023) (arxiv.org)
In spite of its long and successful history, TCP is a poor transport protocol for modern datacenters.
TCP Fast Open? Not so fast (2021) (apnic.net)
In this post I will talk about my experience implementing TCP Fast Open (TFO) while working on PowerDNS Recursor.
Falsehoods programmers believe about TCP (lwn.net)
FWIW, I dropped NetworkManager years ago for `wpa_supplicant`-based management because I had flaky wireless situations (thick concrete walls in the dorms, roaming across campus, etc.) and any whiff of packet loss would announce to the whole machine "no network" and apps would start to freak out and react. However, it was likely to be back Real Soon™ and normal TCP recovery would make it "transparent" (if with a spike in latency).
Bringing insights into TCP resets and timeouts to Cloudflare Radar (cloudflare.com)
Cloudflare handles over 60 million HTTP requests per second globally, with approximately 70% received over TCP connections (the remaining are QUIC/UDP). Ideally, every new TCP connection to Cloudflare would carry at least one request that results in a successful data exchange, but that is far from the truth.
Optimizing global message transit latency: a journey through TCP configuration (ably.com)
RFC: 64-Bit Sequence Numbers for TCP (watersprings.org)
Slow TCP Connect on Windows (haxx.se)
Comparing TCP and QUIC (2022) (potaroo.net)
Off-path TCP hijacking in NAT-enabled Wi-Fi networks (apnic.net)
We improved the performance of a userspace TCP stack in Go (coder.com)
Add sysctl to disable Nagle's algorithm (RFC 896 – Congestion Control) (marc.info)
It's always TCP_NODELAY (brooker.co.za)
Multipath TCP for Linux (2022) (mptcp.dev)