Hacker News with Generative AI: Southeast Asia

The mighty Mekong River's growing plastic problem (japantimes.co.jp)
Flowing more than 4,300 kilometers from the Tibetan Plateau in China, through mainland Southeast Asia and then into Vietnam’s Mekong Delta before finally emptying into the South China Sea, the Mekong River is among the top 10 waterways in Asia most responsible for riverine plastic waste reaching the world’s oceans.
Grab built its own map in Southeast Asia, and is now going after Google (restofworld.org)
Grab began mapping locations because Google Maps and Here were inadequate for its drivers’ needs.It has trained drivers to use its own cameras to map streets and alleys. Hyperlocal maps are essential, but taking on the dominant players is tough.
The Pig Butchering Invasion Has Begun (wired.com)
More than 200,000 people in Southeast Asia have been forced to run online scams in recent years, often being enslaved and brutalized, as part of criminal enterprises that have netted billions in stolen funds.
What's the state of Southeast Asian sci-fi? – Kontinentalist (kontinentalist.com)
America Is Losing Southeast Asia (foreignaffairs.com)
How APT groups operate in Southeast Asia (ptsecurity.com)
Thailand passes marriage equality bill, first in Southeast Asia (reuters.com)
Why Southeast Asia became a spyware hotspot (restofworld.org)
Why Southeast Asia became a spyware hotspot (restofworld.org)