Hacker News with Generative AI: Software Performance

Missing the Forest for the Trees with Flame Graphs (ankush.dev)
Flame graphs are an amazing tool to visualize the performance of software and I'll forever be grateful to Brendan Gregg for creating them. There is however one catch that you should be aware of though. They tend to hide small overheads that have a bigger overall impact very well.
That's not an abstraction, that's a layer of indirection (fhur.me)
If you've ever worked on refactoring or improving performance in a software system, you've probably run into a particular frustration: abstraction-heavy codebases.
I Waited 10B Cycles and All I Got Was This Loading Screen (preyneyv.dev)
Modern hardware is unbelievably fast. The M1 Max that I’m writing this article on runs at 3.2GHz. That is 3.2 BILLION clock cycles per second. Yet, Microsoft Teams takes 3 seconds to open a link, and I refuse to believe it takes 9.6 BILLION clock cycles to open a link. Obviously, that’s an over-simplification, but the point stands: how is it that hardware gets faster, but the applications we use only get slower?
The Case of the Missing Increment (computerenhance.com)
Computer Enhance was never meant to be a place for publishing novel investigations into software performance, but sometimes it happens by accident. We already saw this once when bonus materials for the Performance-Aware Programming course lead us to discover a previously undocumented 16-ahead mapping pattern in the Windows memory manager.
The Case of the Missing Increment (computerenhance.com)
Computer Enhance was never meant to be a place for publishing novel investigations into software performance, but sometimes it happens by accident. We already saw this once when bonus materials for the Performance-Aware Programming course lead us to discover a previously undocumented 16-ahead mapping pattern in the Windows memory manager.
The Case of the Missing Increment (computerenhance.com)
Computer Enhance was never meant to be a place for publishing novel investigations into software performance, but sometimes it happens by accident. We already saw this once when bonus materials for the Performance-Aware Programming course lead us to discover a previously undocumented 16-ahead mapping pattern in the Windows memory manager.