Hacker News with Generative AI: Real-Time Systems

Fast JSON Processing in Real-Time Systems: Simdjson and Zero-Copy Design (estuary.dev)
Discover how Estuary Flow handles massive data volumes by leveraging simdjson and a unique Combiner to optimize real-time JSON parsing and document merging.
Thinking in Actors – Part 3 – Using the Actor Model to Track Aircraft (jeremycarterau.substack.com)
Previously we outlined the three pillars of the virtual actor: Ownership, Lifecycle and Transaction. I also briefly introduced a few techniques we can use to help us model our actors. Now, we will put it all together and model a system that allows us to track aircraft in real-time.
How is Erlang soft real time? (quora.com)
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RTEMS: Open-source real time operating system (rtems.org)
RTEMS is an open source Real Time Operating System (RTOS) that supports open standard application programming interfaces (API) such as POSIX.
20 years later, real-time Linux makes it to the kernel (zdnet.com)
VIENNA -- After 20 years, Real-Time Linux (PREEMPT_RT) is finally -- finally -- in the mainline kernel. Linus Torvalds blessed the code while he was at Open Source Summit Europe. Why is this a big deal? Let's start by explaining what a real-time operating system (RTOS) is and what it's good for.
Moving CHERIoT RTOS to a tickless model (cheriot.org)
Fast, simple, hard real time allocator for Rust (github.com/pcwalton)