Hacker News with Generative AI: NetBSD

Why Some Satellites Use NetBSD? – André Machado – Blog (machaddr.substack.com)
NetBSD, a highly portable, open-source Unix-like operating system, has earned a prominent place in satellite technology.
Revisiting the NetBSD Build System (blogsystem5.substack.com)
I recently picked up an embedded project in which I needed to build a highly customized full system image with minimal boot times. As I explored my options, I came to the conclusion that NetBSD, the often-forgotten BSD variant, was the best viable choice for my project.
Make Your Own Read-Only Device with NetBSD (dragas.net)
One detail that is often overlooked when dealing with embedded (or remote) devices is a key point of vulnerability: the file system.
I Like NetBSD, or Why Portability Matters (mccd.space)
FreeBSD 14.1 vs. DragonFlyBSD 6.4 vs. NetBSD 10 vs. Linux Benchmarks (phoronix.com)
NetBSD 10 on a Pinebook Pro laptop (idatum.net)
NetBSD bans use of Copilot-generated code (osnews.com)
NetBSD bans all commits of AI-generated code (mastodon.sdf.org)
X.org on NetBSD – The State of Things (netbsd.org)
The Future of NetBSD (2006) (netbsd.org)