Hacker News with Generative AI: Language Features

Fun with C++26 reflection: Keyword Arguments (pydong.org)
In this blog post, we’ll explore implementing order-independent keyword arguments for C++ through use of C++26’s proposed reflection features. I stumbled upon this technique while experimenting with reflection a few days ago and thought it might be worthwhile to share, as it nicely showcases just how powerful the proposed reflection features are.
C++26: Pack Indexing (sandordargo.com)
C++26 brings us pack indexing as a core language feature thanks to the proposal of Corentin Jabot and Pablo Halpern, P2662R3.
Is `(expession, lvalue) = rvalue` a valid assignment in C or C++? (stackoverflow.com)
Some time ago I stumbled upon the idea of how a C construct, such as (expr0, expr1, expr2), evaluates (see "What does the comma operator , do?" for more context).
PEP 760: No more bare excepts (python.org)
PEP 638 – Syntactic Macros (python.org)
The Borrow Checker Within (smallcultfollowing.com)