Hacker News with Generative AI: Internet Regulation

How will Australia's under-16 social media ban work? We asked the law's enforcer (2024) (npr.org)
Australia passed one of the strictest internet crackdowns in the world last month, banning children under 16 from being on social media or opening new accounts.
Russian Government Orders ISPs to Hand over Names of VPN Users (cyberinsider.com)
Russia's internet regulator, Roskomnadzor (RKN), has issued a directive requiring Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to supply information that could identify users accessing blocked content via VPNs.
Where Big Tech can't send you down rabbit holes or algorithmicaly overcharge you (theregister.com)
China is trying to become that land, with a government crackdown on the things that make the internet no fun
Cable companies and Trump's FCC chair agree: Data caps are good for you (arstechnica.com)
The Federal Communications Commission's plan to investigate and potentially regulate data caps is all but dead now, after President-elect Donald Trump's announcement that he will promote Commissioner Brendan Carr to the chairmanship role.
Malaysia backtracks on DNS redirection decision (thesun.my)
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has been asked not to proceed with its directive requiring all internet service providers (ISPs) in Malaysia to implement Domain Name System (DNS) redirection.
How the American war on porn could change the way you use the internet (bbc.com)
Wanna Make Big Tech Monopolies Even Worse? Kill Section 230 (eff.org)
Sunsetting Section 230 Will Hurt Internet Users, Not Big Tech (eff.org)