Hacker News with Generative AI: Indigenous Rights

You are not on indigenous land (noahpinion.blog)
The United States, like all nations, was created through territorial conquest. Most of its current territory was occupied or frequented by human beings before the U.S. came; the U.S. used force to either displace, subjugate, or kill all of those people. To the extent that land “ownership” existed under the previous inhabitants, the land of the U.S. is stolen land.
Largest dam removal ever, driven by Tribes, kicks off Klamath River recovery (mongabay.com)
KLAMATH, CALIFORNIA—Brook M. Thompson was just 7 years old when she witnessed an apocalypse.
Life in America's Water-Inequality Capital. It Might Be About to Change (time.com)
In the Navajo Nation—a sweeping landscape of red-rock canyons and desert that takes in the Four Corners—water is not taken for granted.
U.S. military to apologize to Alaska Natives for 1800s terror campaign (msn.com)