Hacker News with Generative AI: Hydropower

China approves Tibet mega dam that generate 3 times power than Three Gorges (scmp.com)
China has approved the construction of a colossal hydropower project on Tibet’s longest river that could generate three times more energy than the Three Gorges Dam, state news agency Xinhua reported on Wednesday.
China approves Tibet mega dam that could generate 3 times power of Three Gorges (scmp.com)
China has approved the construction of a colossal hydropower project on Tibet’s longest river that could generate three times more energy than the Three Gorges Dam, state news agency Xinhua reported on Wednesday.
Brazil's mega dams, among world's largest, struggle due to droughts (csmonitor.com)
Brazil’s mega dams rank among the most powerful in the world, but droughts driven by climate change have decreased the dams’ output to as low as 3% of their potential. Hydropower accounts for around half the energy Brazilians use.