Hacker News with Generative AI: Hugo

Show HN: I made a service to convert WordPress blogs to Hugo (blogdb.org)
WordPress 2 Hugo converts your WordPress content into files Hugo uses to build your website.
Powering your Hugo blog with Bluesky Comments (kau.sh)
Twitter’s change in ownership triggered a cascade of events birthing various social media clones. It’s been tricky to decide which network to invest time and energy in. I’m not an influencer, but I’d be kidding myself if I thought having a presence on social media wasn’t important.
Some Notes on Upgrading Hugo (jvns.ca)
Warning: this is a post about very boring yakshaving, probably only of interest to people who are trying to upgrade Hugo from a very old version to a new version. But what are blogs for if not documenting one’s very boring yakshaves from time to time?
Wp2hugo: Best WordPress to Hugo migrator (written in Go) (github.com/ashishb)
Hugo documentation theme as simple as plain book (github.com/alex-shpak)
Just open-sourced E25DX: a modern Hugo theme for tech documentations (github.com/dumindu)