Hacker News with Generative AI: Hardware Security

Hardware Security Exploit Research – Xbox 360 (github.com/kooscode)
I'm fairly well versed with original XBOX and writing home-brew code for it 20 years ago, but I have since not spent much time on the XBOX 360 or XBOX One platforms beyond tons of gaming and I have always been interrested in how exactly the XBOX 360 security was defeated.
Confidential Computing Platform Based on Tee and TPM Collaborative Trust (arxiv.org)
Confidential Computing has emerged to address data security challenges in cloud-centric deployments by protecting data in use through hardware-level isolation.
MIFARE Classic: exposing the static encrypted nonce variant [pdf] (iacr.org)
Extending FPGA Information Leaks with Trojan Phantom Circuits [pdf] (caslab.io)