Hacker News with Generative AI: Fault Tolerance

Fault Tolerance in Tandem Computer Systems (1986) [pdf] (azurewebsites.net)
SarasDB: Multi-Modal, Fault-Tolerant Database in Rust (xer0x.in)
Why do systems fail? Tandem NonStop system and fault tolerance (erlang-solutions.com)
Why do systems fail? This question should probably be asked more often, considering all the factors it involves. It was central to the NonStop architecture because achieving high availability depends on understanding system failures.
Show HN: Kameo – Fault-tolerant async actors built on Tokio (github.com/tqwewe)
Kameo is a lightweight Rust library for building fault-tolerant, distributed, and asynchronous actors.
Gleam 1.2.0 release – Fault tolerant Gleam (gleam.run)