Hacker News with Generative AI: Energy Production

Germany: Power generation from renewables continues to rise sharply (heise.de)
More electricity was generated in Germany in the third quarter than in the previous year. Renewable energies alone are responsible for this growth.
'Green' Hydrogen Produces 37 Times More Global Warming Than Carbon Dioxide (dailysceptic.org)
US solar production soars by 25 percent in just one year (arstechnica.com)
China is installing wind, solar equivalent of 5 nuclear power stations per week (abc.net.au)
Solar generates fifth of global electricity on summer solstice midday peak (ember-climate.org)
Wind and solar power half the cost of coal and gas, 1/3 the cost of nuclear (reneweconomy.com.au)
Wind and solar displace a fifth of EU fossil generation since 2019 (ember-climate.org)
California exceeds 100% of energy demand with renewables over a record 30 days (electrek.co)