Hacker News with Generative AI: Email Security

We got hit by an alarmingly well-prepared phish spammer (utoronto.ca)
Yesterday evening, we were hit by a run of phish spam that I would call 'vaguely customized' for us, for example the display name in the From: header was "U of T | CS Dept" (but then the actual email address was that of the compromised account elsewhere that was used to send the phish spam). The destination addresses here weren't particularly well chosen, and some of them didn't even exist. So far, so normal.
Tell HN: I'm getting spam on an email address only ever used to sign up to HN (ycombinator.com)
I'm getting spam on an email address only ever used to sign up to HN
Has anyone used Proton Business Suite rather than Google's for a startup? (ycombinator.com)
I'm considering doing so. It's much better priced, I would like to keep adwords separate as all the horror stories I've seen posted here, and the end-to-end encrypted communications could be valuable to my startup. Has anyone used Proton's business suite in a startup environment?
FBI: Spike in Hacked Police Emails, Fake Subpoenas (krebsonsecurity.com)
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is urging police departments and governments worldwide to beef up security around their email systems, citing a recent increase in cybercriminal services that use hacked police email accounts to send unauthorized subpoenas and customer data requests to U.S.-based technology companies.
SMTP Downgrade Attacks and MTA-STS (alexsci.com)
In this post, I audit several prominent mail providers to discover how they handle email encryption and show how MTA-STS can help improve email security.
Emails encryption at rest on OpenBSD using dovecot and GPG (dataswamp.org)
So the Department of Energy emailed me (haxx.se)
Apple Intelligence beta flagged a phishing email as "Priority" (panic.com)
Phishing Campaign Exploits Proofpoint to Send Spoofed Emails (guard.io)
Crooks Bypassed Google's Email Verification to Create Workspace Accounts, Acces (krebsonsecurity.com)
Microsoft tells yet more customers their emails have been stolen (theregister.com)
Microsoft Alerts More Customers to Email Theft in Expanding (securityweek.com)
Telegram Combolists and 361M Email Addresses (troyhunt.com)
BIMI and DMARC Can't Save You: The Overlooked DKIM Exploit (zone.eu)
Protecting your email address via SVG instead of JavaScript (rouninmedia.github.io)
DKIM, SPF, SpamAssassin Email Validator (dkimvalidator.com)
Test and learn how DMARC, SPF and DKIM work (dmarctester.com)
CISA Emergency Directive: Nation-State Compromise of Microsoft Corporate Email (cisa.gov)