Hacker News with Generative AI: Electron

Things people get wrong about Electron (felixrieseberg.com)
I dedicated years bringing web technologies and desktop apps closer together. The most recent and most successful project in that vein is Electron, which I've spent the last ten years working on.
Things people get wrong about Electron (felixrieseberg.com)
I dedicated years bringing web technologies and desktop apps closer together. The most recent and most successful project in that vein is Electron, which I've spent the last ten years working on.
Reverse Engineering Bambu Connect (rossmanngroup.com)
Bambu Connect is an Electron App with Security through Obscurity principles, hence it is inherently insecure.
Show HN: Electrico – Electron Without Node and Chrome (github.com/thomastschurtschenthaler)
Electrico is an experimental alternative App Container for Electron Apps.
Speeding up Electron apps by using V8 snapshots in the main process (github.com/RaisinTen)
Speeding up Electron apps by using V8 snapshots in the main process
Photino: A lighter Electron (tryphotino.io)
Comparing desktop development tools, Qt, Electron and macOS Native (bumblemeow.com)
Electron 30.0.0 (electronjs.org)