Hacker News with Generative AI: Database Design

How can you represent inheritance in a database? (2010) (stackoverflow.com)
I'm thinking about how to represent a complex structure in a SQL Server database.
Logical vs. Physical Data Types (spiraldb.com)
Code in Database vs. Code in Application (brandur.org)
A perennial question in the database world: should you prefer to keep application logic closer to the database itself, in stored procedures and triggers, or above the database in your application code?
ChartDB – Free and open source, database design editor (chartdb.io)
Show HN: Visualize database schemas with a single query (github.com/chartdb)
Database Design for Google Calendar: A Tutorial (databasedesignbook.com)
Path Dependence in Relational Design (minimalmodeling.substack.com)
Why Choose ULIDs over Traditional UUIDs or IDs for Database Identification? (sotergreco.com)
Common DB schema change mistakes in Postgres (postgres.ai)