Hacker News with Generative AI: Concurrent Programming

Solving the ABA Problem in Rust with Tagged Pointers (minikin.me)
Concurrent programming is challenging, especially when designing lock-free data structures. One subtle issue that can arise is the ABA problem, leading to unexpected behavior in compare-and-swap (CAS) operations. In this post, we’ll explore the ABA problem and how to solve it in Rust using idiomatic and efficient techniques.
When the Simplest Concurrent Program Goes Against All Intuition (wyounas.github.io)
I came across a fascinating and surprising aspect of a seemingly simple concurrent program when run on a model checker. Consider this:
How Much Memory Do You Need in 2024 to Run 1M Concurrent Tasks? (hez2010.github.io)
As we have observed, a high number of concurrent tasks can consume a significant amount of memory, even if they do not perform complex operations. Different language runtimes have varying trade-offs, with some being lightweight and efficient for a small number of tasks but scaling poorly with hundreds of thousands of tasks.
Fleng 22 (concurrent logic programming) (call-with-current-continuation.org)
This software is an implementation of "FLENG", a low level concurrent logic programming language descended from Prolog.
Designing a Fast Concurrent Hash Table (ibraheem.ca)
I recently released papaya, a fast and feature-complete concurrent hash table for Rust. In this post I want to dive into the design and research that went into creating it, as well as why you might consider using it over existing solutions. If you're looking for an overview of papaya, you might find it more useful to consult the documentation.
Don't rely on IF NOT EXISTS for concurrent index creation in PostgreSQL (shayon.dev)
Hopac: Concurrent ML Implementation in F# (github.com/Hopac)