Hacker News with Generative AI: Automattic

Matt Should Resign (2010) (archive.org)
Neither WordPress nor Automattic would be where they are today without the tireless efforts of Matt Mullenweg. I have personally benefited from his work and for that I’m truly thankful.
WPE files for injunctive relief against Automattic (reddit.com)
WPE just filed for a preliminary injunction
Ask HN: What will the WordPress meltdown mean for Automattic's other products? (ycombinator.com)
All of the coverage and opinions I’ve read have focused on the longer term impact to the WordPress ecosystem itself.
My experiences with Automattic: Part 3 (aldavigdis.dev)
Matt Mullenweg closed the WordCamp US conference last Sunday by attacking a large competitor in the WordPress space for supposedly not pulling their weight within the open source WordPress project in terms of time or money spent.
Some Automattic employees accept severance package offer (techcrunch.com)
Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg said on Thursday that 159 employees (roughly 8.4% of staff) accepted a severance package that the company had offered to those who disagreed with his direction of WordPress and his handling of the tussle with web hosting provider WP Engine.