The zoology and biochemistry of xenomorphs from the Alien franchise
In science fiction, the xenomorph emerges as a creature that transcends the boundaries of traditional extraterrestrial movie knowledge (Fordham, 2023). From the corridors of the spaceship USCSS Nostromo to the haunting silence of the primordial exoplanet Acheron LV-426 (Flowers, 2020), the creature created by Ridley Scott and H.R. Giger has become the symbol of alien terror in movies and in collective imagination (Domino, 2019).
In science fiction, the xenomorph emerges as a creature that transcends the boundaries of traditional extraterrestrial movie knowledge (Fordham, 2023). From the corridors of the spaceship USCSS Nostromo to the haunting silence of the primordial exoplanet Acheron LV-426 (Flowers, 2020), the creature created by Ridley Scott and H.R. Giger has become the symbol of alien terror in movies and in collective imagination (Domino, 2019).